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Please write the registration number of the company you are interested in and type your e-mail in the form below.
Financial reports of Polish companies on an e-mail
- Balance sheet,
- Income statement,
- Cash-flow account,
- changes specification in one's own capital (fund),
- controller's opinion.
If you want to download the full versions of the Monitor Polski B including financial reports visit the website
Index of financial reports
Photo copies, gathered directly from Polish courts, delieverd on your e-mail:
If you not found interesting photocopy below, use the search box at the left side of webpage.
How to order
2. Mark the financial reports which you want to order,
3. Press the button and add to basket,
4. Give the details to pro forma invoice,
5. Pay for the placed orders,
6. Once the fee is completed, it may take up to 14 working days to deliver the ordered photocopy. While our the delivery time is extended, we are obligated to send you back all the incurred costs in 15th day of the delivery. Although the delivery time differs depending on a particular Polish court, we do our best to provide you with the necessary documents as soon as possible. The avarage delivery time is ~4 days.